Unable to start Jupyter lab or Jupyter notebook in a browser

I get the following log when starting Jupyter lab or Jupyter notebook-

[W 17:03:08.963 NotebookApp] No web browser found: could not locate runnable browser.

and Jupyter does not start a browser (or a tab in a browser).

(I am using Linux - Manjaro i3 community edition)

I have configured Jupyter to use google-chrome-stable by

jupyter notebook --generate-config

and setting the following line in ~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py

c.NotebookApp.browser = '/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable' 

(Yes I have uncommented the above line)

/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable and google-chrome-stable successfully launch chrome from the terminal.

I have also tried

jupyter lab --browser=google-chrome-stable
jupyter lab --browser google-chrome-stable

without success.

Jupyter used to open in a browser when I had Pale Moon installed on my system, but now that I have removed it, I cannot seem to get this working. google-chrome-stable is my default browser now.

The obvious workaround is to copy the localhost URL to a web browser but I am trying to avoid that.

Have you checked that the user as which Jupyter is started has execute permission on /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable?

Have you tried jupyter lab --generate-config instead of jupyter notebook --generate-config? I’m not too familiar with the config system, but the app name plays a role there.

Also check for environment variables that specify a browser.

It does. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to execute google-chrome-stable or /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable to launch Google Chrome.

I don’t think it does. jupyter lab --generate-config wants to overwrite ~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py with default config.
Even if it did, jupyter notebook also doesn’t start in the browser.

any resolution to this problem?

I’ve also installed anaconda on Manjaro i3 and got anaconda-navigator to run once after initial install, but nothing when I try to call it from dmenu.

I have a same problem, did anyone figure that out ?
It works from command line(jupyter-notebook), but only server starts, i have to copy the link and open it in Chrome. It doesnt open from navigator, if i check running processes, the server is running

Doesn’t work.

[W 18:57:22.551 LabApp] Unrecognized alias: '--browers=google-chrome-stable %s', it will probably have no effect.
[W 18:57:23.060 LabApp] No web browser found: could not locate runnable browser.


[W 18:57:45.376 LabApp] Unrecognized alias: '--browers=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable %s', it will probably have no effect.
[W 18:57:45.772 LabApp] No web browser found: could not locate runnable browser.


[W 18:58:05.499 LabApp] Unrecognized alias: '--browers=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --app=%s', it will probably have no effect.
[W 18:58:05.901 LabApp] No web browser found: could not locate runnable browser.

You have to give your browser (“google-chrome-stable” in this case) a string format argument (%s) in order to pass it the notebook’s URL:

jupyter lab --browser="google-chrome-stable %s"

or, if you prefer opening chrome in app mode:

jupyter lab --browser="google-chrome-stable --app=%s"
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I had a typo (“browers” should be “browser”), I’ve deleted my old post and made a new one. I checked that this works in both OS X Catalina with zshell and Ubuntu 19.10 with bash


thanks for your answer.

However, I am running

jupyter lab  --browser='brave %s'

and it still doesn’t open any window (although I don’t get the error anymore)…
(brave is my alias for the brave browser, which in a bash shell works ~ opens a new window)



I just tested this, and I guess you cannot use aliases in the --browser option. For instance,

jupyter lab --browser='brave-browser --new-window %s'

works for me. You could make an alias for this whole command.

Hi @dsjamieson ,

yes, you are right.

I just replaced brave with the full path to the app (/Applications/Brave\ Browser.app/Contents/MacOS/Brave\ Browser) and it worked

Thanks again!