I can't open Jupyter Lab in Chrome

since I installed the nbextensions extension I can’t open Jupyter Lab in Chrome. It opens Safari. I tried to modify the jupyter_notebook_config.py file by changing c.NotebookApp.browser = '/Applications/Google Chrome.app %s' .
but there is no way to get the Chrome browser to open for me. On the other hand the extension works in ‘Jupyter Notebook’ but not in ‘Jupyter Lab’.
I have Jupyter Lab version 3.4.7 on a mac M1 and in a conda environment.
Does anyone have any idea what could be happening?

You will need to use ServerApp and jupyter_server_config.py, see Migrating from Notebook Server — Jupyter Server documentation

I had two files in .jupyter : jupyter_server__config.py and jupyter_notebook__config.py
I removed jupyter_server__config.py
It seems to have been half fixed. Safari no longer opens. But Google Chrome still won’t open i.e. I have to paste the link http://localhost:8888/lab?token=be8c49f6581160b1299b937ba9dd4cce508b71fa3e1a6d1a in order to do this. I also had a jupyter_notebook_config.json which I changed to jupyter_server_config.json. I don’t know if you have any idea about the problem.