Release of IPython 7.22 and Welcome MrMino to Triage team

Hi all,

New person on the triage team

Let’s start with the non traditional,

Please welcome MrMino to the team, they gained triage right a few days/week ago after a few noticeable contribution and especially helping user by answering issues, and helping with reviewing PRs, and in general being there. You can also follow them on twitter, I believed they joined just for the occasion.

“80 percent of success is just showing up” —Woody Allen

So if MrMino keep showing up we hope to gave them more rights has time goes on and the community is happy with them.

Release friday

Last friday of the month, IPython 7.22 was released recently, and is now available on PyPI, soon on conda-forge; thanks in advance to Nick Bollweg for responding to the conda bots and taking care of all the conda-forge related matters.

You can read more about what is new here.

You can (should) upgrade with pip:

pip install ipython --upgrade

And if you are using conda, once available on conda-forge:

conda upgrade ipython

To catch up with NEP 29, we removed support for numpy 1.15 and below this should not affect end users but packagers as IPython uses numpy mostly for some documentation and testing purposes. We will drop support for 1.16 likely for next release.

Help is wanted to push IPython 8.0 forward, we use many deprecated API here and there, and the 7.x branch is starting to show its age.

Help to migrate (even partially) to gh-action to speedup CI, and from iptest to pytest would be appreciated as well. Most of the custom nose testing for IPython need to be ported to pytest.


Thank you! I’m excited to join the team!