Release of IPython 7.20

Hi all,

It’s now 59h51 on the last friday of the month, IPython 7.20 was released a couple of minutes ago, and is now available on PyPI, soon on conda-forge.

You can read more about what is new here.

There was no release for the past 3 month, mostly due to minimal work being done in IPython.
This release is mostly pushed by the release of Jedi 0.18 that have remove some old API that were still used in IPython and has been troubling users for a bout a month; I’ll appreciate any help to keep releasing IPython as my time is limited, i’ll do my best to keep releasing when possible, but some work does not need me (replying to users that open duplicate issues; reviewing PRs, discussing wether a fix is correct or not.)

Regardless you can upgrade with pip:

pip install ipython --upgrade

And if you are using conda, once available on conda-forge:

conda upgrade ipython

Thanks ! :gem::open_hands:


thanks for keeping it real! :muscle:

the aforementioned conda-forge packages are now up as well. If you run into issues that seem directly related to conda-forge (e.g. interactions with dependencies, segfaults, etc.), please feel free to skip fattening the IPython queue, and bring stuff up on ipython-feedstock.