Notebook Server Restart Causes 503 Error Due to Stale XSRF Token (Zero to JupyterHub 3.3.8)

I am using Zero to JupyterHub: 3.3.8, which uses the following image versions:

  • JupyterHub: 4.1.6
  • Configurable-http-proxy: 4.6.1
  • Traefik: v2.11.0

When I start my notebook for the first time after logging in, it starts up correctly and I’m brought to the JupyterLab home page.

I then stop my notebook server, start it again, and on the spawn page it says my notebook server is ready, but I am brought to a page that says 503 service unavailable.

What I’ve noticed when I am brought to the 503 page, is the xsrf token used for /user/<my_username>/ is the same xsrf token that was used for my previous notebook server.

To resolve the issue, I have to refresh the page, and then a new xsrf token is issued for /user/<my_username>/

How do I make it so when I start a notebook server it always uses a fresh xsrf token?

Do you still have this problem with Z2JH 4.0.0 (JupyterHub 5.2.1)?

@manics We are on Kubernetes version 1.27, so we cannot upgrade to Zero to Jupyterhub 4.0 at this point.

Do you know of any compatibility issues with Zero to Jupyterhub 4.0 and Kubernetes 1.27?

The Chart metadata specifies kubeVersion: ">=1.28.0-0", so unfortunately you won’t be able to install it.