I am using Zero to JupyterHub: 3.3.8, which uses the following image versions:
- JupyterHub: 4.1.6
- Configurable-http-proxy: 4.6.1
- Traefik: v2.11.0
When I start my notebook for the first time after logging in, it starts up correctly and I’m brought to the JupyterLab home page.
I then stop my notebook server, start it again, and on the spawn page it says my notebook server is ready, but I am brought to a page that says 503 service unavailable.
What I’ve noticed when I am brought to the 503 page, is the xsrf token used for /user/<my_username>/ is the same xsrf token that was used for my previous notebook server.
To resolve the issue, I have to refresh the page, and then a new xsrf token is issued for /user/<my_username>/
How do I make it so when I start a notebook server it always uses a fresh xsrf token?