Jupyterhub-ssh: XSRF token missing in Post

Running into an error when trying to get jupyterhub ssh working on the latest zero-to-jupyterhub. I’m using version 3.3.7 of the chart. I’ve also tried manually updating the jupyterhub image to the latest dev tag and it still gave me the same error (note that I had to add some logging into jupyterhub-ssh to get these to show): <p>&#39;_xsrf&#39; argument missing from POST</p>

This is occurring after this line in the project: jupyterhub-ssh/jupyterhub_ssh/terminado.py at a054eda03fcc609b42c304a02b7a22dcf2b6c62b · yuvipanda/jupyterhub-ssh · GitHub

I tried seeing if I could pass along an xsrf token from a previous connection (here: jupyterhub-ssh/jupyterhub_ssh/__init__.py at a054eda03fcc609b42c304a02b7a22dcf2b6c62b · yuvipanda/jupyterhub-ssh · GitHub) where it initially authenticates with the jupyterhub token, but those responses didn’t include an xsrf token.

Any thoughts would be appreciated