Creating interactive slides-shows with JupyterNotebook(CLOUD)

Let me preface this by saying I already am familiar with RISE and I’ve been able to succesfully deploy slideshows on my computer locally.

However, I’m wondering if there is a way to share this access on a Jupyter Cloud(perhaps to people who don’t have something like Anaconda downloaded on their computer). Essentially, I want people to able to access the slideshow option without having Jupyter locally( I think this may be possible with JupyterLab and Binder)

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There is an example of Jupyter-RISE among the official Binder examples here. You would just need to copy the template to your own repo and adapt it to your content. Then you point people at your repo and advise them to click the launch binder badge where you edited the URL to point launch your repo as an active slide show. Or you can just share the launch URL directly.

Related to this… If you want to hide the code on some slides, I combined a MyBinder-launchable version of jupyter-rise with the hide_code extension enabled. It took a bit to get hid_code working with Binder, see here. The impetus came from here, saying both work well together.

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Wow! Thanks this was exactly what I was looking for… And yeah, what you’re working will be very handy.

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