The median time people watch it when a Binder is launching is about 15s. I know it feels a lot longer. But the data don’t lie. The median means 50% of users watch the spinner for longer.
Can we come up with some funny/witty/entertaining sentences to display to users when they are part of the fortunate 50% that get to watch this most iconic of spinners for longer?
Currently you will see Starting repository: binder-examples/requirements/master for the first 17s, then Repository binder-examples/python2_runtime/master is taking longer than usual to start, hang tight! for all eternity afterwards.
Maybe we can rotate the second message every 20s to help keep people focused while they are being hypnotized by the spinner.
Do you have suggestions? Please post them here!
Some of my ideas:
Don’t worry we haven’t forgotten about $reponame
Use this break to stretch and move around while we spin up $reponame
While $reponame has been starting over 100000t of ice has melted in Antartica
You can read 900 words a minute, instead you are watching $reponame start
300hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, we take that long to start $reponame
Several new pages have been added to Wikipedia while $reponame has been starting
The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, as does our spinner