Zero to JupyterHub and Red Hat Openshift

Hello all,

I’ve checked this project with great interest more then a year ago. But it seemed at the time that the project wasn’t ready to use on Red Hat OpenShift. I’ve checked again today but it seems that this is still the case.

The docs are pointing to a project by Graham Dumpleton:

But this project is dead/not maintained for some years now. See also the reaction by Graham himself: Updating jupyterhub image on quay · Issue #38 · jupyter-on-openshift/jupyterhub-quickstart · GitHub

I’m wondering if someone was able to get Zero2JupyterHub working on OpenShift or that there are plans in the near future to make this possible?

In the meantime i’m trying to deploy myself but are running into security errors at the moment.
For example (I’m letting OpenShift decide on the containerSecurityContext settings) :

{"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":"pods \"jupyter-tempj06\" is forbidden: unable to validate against any security context constraint: [provider \"anyuid\": Forbidden: not usable by user or serviceaccount, provider \"pipelines-scc\": Forbidden: not usable by user or serviceaccount, spec.initContainers[0].securityContext.runAsUser: Invalid value: 0: must be in the ranges: [1000990000, 1000999999], spec.initContainers[0].securityContext.privileged: Invalid value: true: Privileged containers are not allowed, spec.initContainers[0].securityContext.capabilities.add: Invalid value: \"NET_ADMIN\": capability may not be added,


Ok, i’ve got it to work on OpenShift. Is there someone who is willing to look at my configuration and see if there is anything out of order?

And I’m willing to write some documentation for the z2jh site if needed

You could post/link it here, and hopefully people will take a look?

Sure thing!

I’ve uploaded:

  1. -zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s/config.yaml at ed25319221b23baec00a9cdeba4d5d70e92fe26e · BlueCog/-zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s · GitHub
  2. -zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s/specific-config.yaml at ed25319221b23baec00a9cdeba4d5d70e92fe26e · BlueCog/-zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s · GitHub

Main changes are:

  • unsetting SecurityContext settings
  • disabling autoscale funcions (were dealing with a solid set of nodes)
  • using the OpenShift Route funcionality in stead of a load balancer

Specific-config.yaml is adding an OpenShift Route (to the proxy service) and two PVC’s. This is an override for a custom created Helm template (do deploy along side of Z2JH)

I’m wondering if someone want’s to take a look at the settings and if there is anything out of order or that should be configured otherwise.

P.s. I’ve imported all images due air gapped environments. I’m only using k8s-hub, configurable-http-proxy and in our deployment.


Hey there, I literally signed up just to say THANK YOU! I have been stuck on deploying JupyterHub on OpenShift for days now. I am also very new to JupyterHub. I’m not sure if I am allowed to post this here but I will pay for a basic guide from start to finish if possible!

I tried following this and I keep getting:

JupyterHub proxy:851] api_request to the proxy failed with status code 599, retrying…
[E 2022-02-02 19:54:29.748 JupyterHub app:2973]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/jupyterhub/”, line 2971, in launch_instance_async
await self.start()
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/jupyterhub/”, line 2746, in start
await self.proxy.get_all_routes()
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/jupyterhub/”, line 898, in get_all_routes
resp = await self.api_request(’’, client=client)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/jupyterhub/”, line 862, in api_request
result = await exponential_backoff(
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/jupyterhub/”, line 184, in exponential_backoff
raise TimeoutError(fail_message)
TimeoutError: Repeated api_request to proxy path “” failed.

I would really appreciate any help getting JupyterHub deployed in OpenShift!

I was finally able to get past this issue by creating a network policy according to this: Kubernetes - Api_request to the proxy failed with status code 599, retrying - #9 by dprateek1991

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hi unknownsolo,

Maybe the network policy you noted is specific to your OpenShift environment. I’m not sure. But great that you got it working!

Amazing, this was really helpful

I have figured out how to make this work without using the above network policy. OpenShift Local by default uses the weave network policy controller; which doesn’t support the usage of named ports inside network policies (as used within the helm chart). So By replacing the named ports with the actual port numbers I was able to resolve this issue.

A further issue I came accross is that the default-dns service for OpenShift local runs on port 5353 using the UDP protocol; instead of port 53.

You can find my project here: GitHub - gembaadvantage/z2jh-openshift: A kustomization of the z2jh project so that it works with OpenShift.

I’ve added some default network policies to my original code (message from feb 22). This would also solve the issues @unknownsolo had. I’m able to deploy to OpenShift with these (simple) objects and Helm override.

Using custom scripting and kustomize patches seems a bit much @Will_Holtam this is probably only needed for your specific setup (OpenShift Local?)

I’m afraid that I can’t see any network policies in the code that you linked on feb 22nd.

The issue unknownsolo resolved on Feb '22 resolved his issue by just opened up all ingress networking within the namespace; rather than actually understanding what specifically was blocking access so that he could fix it, keep the NetworkPolicy rules tight.

The networking issue he was facing was due to the use of Named Ports inside the Network Policies. If he replace the named ports with the actual port numbers, it would work without opening up ingress from all pods in the namespace.

Unfortunately, as the allowed GID/UID range is generated by an OpenShift project/namespace when it’s created; you can’t specify the GID/UID in advance. This means that the must be changed or it can’t start containers via the kube_scheduler.

I’m surprised that in your values.yaml you don’t have the following containerSecurityContext; as required by the default SCC Managing security context constraints | Authentication and authorization | OpenShift Dedicated; so maybe you’re using a custom SCC for your deployment which overrides some of the default security requirements.

      runAsUser: # let openshift set the value
      runAsGroup: # let openshift set the value
      allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
          - ALL
      runAsNonRoot: true
        type: RuntimeDefault

You mention that you are only using k8s-hub, configurable-http-proxy and This simplifies your deployment. It means that you don’t have to manage the networking for the singleuser pods which are dynamically spun up when a user logs in through the hub.

In-order to dynamically spin up singleuser pods when users login; you must amend the security context in There is no easy way to do that via values.yaml. You also have to change the networking for the singleuser network policy so that it can have egress to the Kubernetes DNS service; otherwise it can’t resolve the ‘hub’ service. Note, you don’t have to do this, if you’re not dynamically spinning up any number of singleuser pods via the kube-scheduler as people log in and interact with your deployed JupyterHub.

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Thank you for providing the additional steps to make JupyterHub work on OpenShift!
It still works for the latest OpenShift release (currently 4.17).

Hey @Paul2708 - I’ve been fighting this for a while. Would you mind summarizing what needs done? Are you just using a specific repo mentioned above, or are you using the official Helm chart and modifying values in the chart and/or changing the SCC?

I’ve gotten JupyterHub to install with this, but I’m new to both JupyterHub and OpenShift and I am under the impression this is not the “correct” way to do this:

oc new-project $MYNAMESPACE
helm repo add jupyterhub
helm repo update
helm show values jupyterhub/jupyterhub > $MYNAMESPACE'_values.yml'
MYUIDSTART=`oc get project $MYNAMESPACE -o yaml | grep uid-range | awk -F '/' '{ print $2 }' | awk -F ':' '{ print $2 }' | sed 's/\ //'`  #Grabbing the UID range start value
sed -i "s/65534/$MYUIDSTART/g" $MYNAMESPACE'_values.yml'
sed -i "s/runAsUser: 1000$/runAsUser: $MYUIDSTART/" $MYNAMESPACE'_values.yml'
sed -i "s/runAsGroup: 1000$/runAsGroup: $MYUIDSTART/" $MYNAMESPACE'_values.yml'
sed -i "s/fsGroup: 1000$/fsGroup: $MYUIDSTART/" $MYNAMESPACE'_values.yml'
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user nonroot -z hook-image-awaiter -n $MYNAMESPACE
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user nonroot -z hub -n $MYNAMESPACE
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user nonroot -z user-scheduler -n $MYNAMESPACE
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user nonroot -z default -n $MYNAMESPACE
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z default -n $MYNAMESPACE
helm upgrade --cleanup-on-fail   --install $MYNAMESPACE jupyterhub/jupyterhub   --namespace $MYNAMESPACE   --version=4.1.0   --values $MYNAMESPACE'_values.yml'
oc expose service proxy-public
oc patch networkpolicy singleuser -n  $MYNAMESPACE --type='json' -p='[{"op":"replace","path":"/spec/egress/3/ports/0/port","value":5353},{"op":"replace","path":"/spec/egress/3/ports/1/port","value":5353}]'

I REALLY appreciate and guidance/feedback on how to deploy JupyterHub more “correctly” on OpenShift. Thanks!