Tutorial at Scipy 2022?

Is there any plan to submit Jupyter related tutorial this year to SciPy ?

I could not find any discussion about that.

Maybe one of. @isabela-pf , @tonyfast , @jasongrout , @betatim knows ?

And if no one is currently preparing one, would you interested in attending/giving one, and on which topic(s) ?

Keep in mind this is not about doing machine learning, or geoscience or using pandas, this is more generally about using and/or developing extensions for Jupyter (lab, IPython, …),


In the past, we’ve used workshop/tutorials as an opportunity to put a tested, installable distribution out. What this lacks in long-term impact (keeping them up-to-date is a mug’s game), it can make up for in getting a cohort up and running at go-time… relying on cloud solutions and even conference wifi is always a gamble. Perhaps this process itself would be interesting as a tutorial?

Recently, the next iteration of this came up in the context of white-labelling jupyterlab-desktop, which is probably the lowest-barrier approach for getting sufficently-advanced technology onto peoples’ actual machines.

FYI to save everyone looking it up, deadlines are:

Feb 11 Submission Deadline for Talks & Posters

Feb 15 Submission Deadline for Tutorials

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Hi there! I can confirm that I had no plans to submit any kind of tutorial. No one at the JupyterLab team meeting today said that they had plans either.

I’ll keep sharing this post across meetings!

We would be interested in giving a tutorial on extending JupyterLab with a web application. It would be a case study on the Galyleo extension, though there’s very little that’s specific to Galyleo in the extension. The key thing is that the method that we used is easily generalizable to any open-source web application (and for that matter we can make the Galyleo extension generic and configurable, so with a little effort we can integrate any open-source web-based editor into JupyterLab.

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Thanks all,

I don’t think I’ll actually had the bandwidth to spearhead this. If anyone want help reviewing any proposals, I’m happy to help. If i’m in Texas during the tutos I’m happy to help.

I think this would also be an awesome talk, which may be considerably easier to submit and prepare than a tutorial.

Thanks, and papers are more in our wheelhouse anyway. Are you interested in seeing a draft early, just for your interest?

I’m happy to review any SciPy draft early, just to stay aware of what is happening, and helping other get talks accepted and projects recognized.

Sold, with thanks! Where can I send the draft?


If you haven’t already submitted, I’m happy to review a draft if you want to email me.