Hey all - I wanted to gauge whether others are interested in having a workshop on documentation. Daniele Procida has done a lot speaking on “frameworks for documentation”. Here is one of his youtube talks. I’ve found this documentation framework to be a really helpful way in thinking about the structure and extensibility of our documentation. We’ve already done a little bit of this on the tljh
I recently had a conversation with Daniele, who said that he may interested in running a virtual workshop about improving our documentation through this framework across the Jupyter community. I’m curious if there is interest in this kind of thing - could you fill out the poll?
- I wouldn’t attend
- I’d attend but only if I happened to be free
- I’d attend and be disappointed if I missed it
- I’d make the time in my day in order to attend
0 voters
(I’ll leave it open for a few days)
I think he has also worked with some others in the PyData community (like NumPy)…perhaps @willingc has interfaced with Daniele in the Django world as well?