Too many users on this BinderHub! Try again soon

I can’t open any notebook. The message is always the same :
“Too many users on this BinderHub! Try again soon”
Example of link :
Could you help me?
Thanks a lot!


Dear @fontainedeseaux,

Thanks for using!

Since the end of April, is runnind with reduced capacity as announced at reducing capacity. Funding is running out for the largest… | by Min RK | Jupyter Blog.

Last week, one of the servers from federation had problems in the storage disk and had to be disconnected from the federation. You can follow GESIS server overwhelming with `Terminating` pods · Issue #2722 · jupyterhub/ · GitHub for updates. This reduced the capacity that was already low.


I am also constantly experiencing this problem now, which is a huge challenge for people like me who want to use Binder for teaching. What can we do? I hate Google Colab — but it is the more reliable environment and I cannot delay my classes and workshops just because I have no Binder access.

We’ll soon have some additional compute thanks to 2i2c. However this is still limited, and is a free service that relies entirely on donated compute resources.

The best way to ensure remains sustainable and reliable is to encourage any organisations you know to setup a BinderHub and add it to the federation.


I will ask my university IT service and also discuss this with the Open Science Community. But if hosting a BinderHub means that “everyone” will be able to use “our” computational resources, I fear that universities etc. won’t be in favour. Then again, I and many colleagues would certainly be willing to pay! The reason why I am not using our own data science research infrastructure is that my university does not open it to non-members and I give workshops to super diverse groups. Money isn’t an issue — but data access and security policy is. Perhaps cross-institutional service providers for research and teaching are more likely to embrace a project like Binder? Do you have any “pitch” document for institutions that I could share?

PS: I have just done my best to sell BinderHub to our central ICTS and the FAIR software people at our university library. Fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers: