TLJH python environments don't appear on the user interface


I’m running a TLJH on a remote server.
Everything works quite fine except that the environments I created don’t show up in the browser.
I used the following command to create the environment:

sudo -E conda create -n flo -c conda-forge python=3.6 ipykernel

When I check the environments sudo -E conda env list, the new environment is in the list.
However, there is no option to start a notebook with the new kernel.
(I restarted the hub, and I also restarted the machine… nothing worked)

What can I do to find the solution?

Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
JupyterHub version 1.5.0
Python 3.9.7


  - xxx
  enabled: true
    key: xxx
    cert: xxx
  default_app: jupyterlab
    timeout: 259200
    max_age: 0

Jupyter doesn’t list kernels from other envs by default. You can either register them explicitly:

/path/to/env/bin/python -m ipykernel install --prefix /path/to/user/env

or you can install a package like nb_conda_kernels into the user env, which attempts to discover kernels in envs automatically.


Thanks a lot @minrk . I installed the nb_conda_kernels into the base environment and restarted the server.
Now every environment is finally displayed!


Can you please share the codes here?

Also a minor thing, I miss then a “terminal” for that kernel.

greets Remco

No sure @mupsje , what you mean with ‘codes’, but you can install packages in the TLJH terminal like:

sudo -E conda install -n environment_name -c conda-forge package_name

environment_name = base
package_name = nb_conda_kernels

Hi, what I mean is,

I would like to have a extra clean Python 3.8.10 Environment.
What do I need to do for this?
I see allot of noise on the internet.
And then I see this thread.
Thanks for the patciense
greets Remco