First, a simple question: am i right that the default TLJH uses a single conda env for both the Hub and the underlying Lab and iPython kernels - the one that is documented Install conda, pip or apt packages — The Littlest JupyterHub documentation here? (“System environment” in this link talks about /usr/bin/python which is the Linux system environment).
Then my question is: (where) can I tell TLJH to start iPython from another environment? I.e. I’d like to have a TLJH environment with packages for TLJH, then have it start kernels from an environment that has been specifically tuned to the notebooks. I would rather not use nb_conda_kernels, as I would prefer TLJH to start a kernel.
Oh, I did see Named Server and unique Workdirectories - #5 by Stephen (which is about PATHs) and Running jupyterlab / notebook in another environment which is about jupyter notebook - they look promising. Is the latter the thing I should do, just change # c.Spawner.cmd = ['jupyterhub-singleuser']
in the configuration?
TLJH has two environments, one for the hub and one for users
Is that what you need?
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