Resources for giving talks about the JupyterHub and Binder projects

In this GitHub issue we discussed adding a page to our team compass documentation that provides some help for folks that would like to give talks about these projects.

As a part of this, we wanted to collect a growing list of links to talks, tutorials, workshop, images, slides, etc that others may find useful in preparing their own talks. Let’s use this Discourse thread for this purpose!

This thread is a “wiki” post, so you can edit the top post. Please add any links that you think people would find useful.

Links to full presentations about JupyterHub / Binder

Art elements / drawings

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I gave a lightning talk at It was a 5min talk and I just managed to fit everything in.

I setup one browser window with the following tabs that I used as “slides”:

  1., introduce the project by asking the audience who likes spending half of a workshop’s time setting up software. Binder is a solution to that problem
  2., for example we have this repository on GH, nothing special about it, contains a few notebooks and a file specifying its dependencies
  3., type in binder-examples/requirements as the name of the repo to launch, click launch (describe what you are doing)
  4. point to progress bar, longest 30s of any live demo as we wait for the repo to launch, describe what is happening in the background
  5. binder launched, show that this is familiar Jupyter UI, can run the notebook now!!
  6., “if you have friends who use R …” we got you covered
  7. click RStudio launch badge, wait for RStudio UI to show up, make the point that any UI that is web based works
  8. slowly scroll through the list of repos, highlighting conda, pip, R, Julia, etc
  9., this is open source software owned by the community! (no time left)

The actual script was a bit different I think, I will link to the video and update it when the video is up.


I added a link to the Turing Way Zenodo community, so anything else we do mentioning JupyterHub/BinderHub in the future will appear there :smile:


There is also a previous thread collecting presentations and slides: Presentations on JupyterHub and Binder