Release of IPython 7.15

Hi all,

IPython 7.15 was released a couple of minutes ago, and is now available on PyPI, soon on conda-forge.

You can read more about what is new here, one section is wrong now, the “reproducible build” failed at upload time, so I had to fallback on the old build process. I’ll have to investigate why it failed and retry for next version.

This is my first release since joining quansight a month ago, I’m happy to have been able to get up to speed with the codebase, and spend more time on IPython. You will notice a number of minor update to the UI around completion, and some fixes around the auto formatting with black.

As usual master have more nicer features.

You can upgrade with pip:

pip install ipython --upgrade

And if you are using conda, once available on conda-forge:

conda upgrade ipython

Thanks !

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