Recommended Jupyter Lab extension for improving accessibility


Are there any recommended Jupyter Lab extensions for accessibility? I found this accessibility toolbar:

but it’s no longer supported by the community and due to this, it is not recommended by this Jupyter accessibility repository:

For context, I work for an astronomical facility called the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, which will conduct a galaxy survey of the whole southern sky for 10 years. People will access this large amount of data via a website called the Rubin Science Platform (RSP), which has a JupyterLab (version 4.2.5) container component. We want to use prebuilt Lab extensions to extend Lab/notebook functionality to improve accessibility.

I already found the following extension:

  • Quansight-Labs/jupyterlab-accessible-themes

but it would need to be made JupyterLab 4.x compatible to be used at the RSP.

I wanted to ask first if there are any recommended Jupyter Lab extensions for accessibility.

Thank you!

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Great question! See Add `jupyterlab-a11y-checker` to readme by krassowski · Pull Request #152 · jupyter/accessibility · GitHub


Thank you @krassowski. It seems that there are not many options, but jupyter-a11y-checker is one. Is this an extension commonly used in the community to improve accessibility in notebooks? I’m considering whether to suggest its addition to the Rubin Science Platform’s development team.