As the title says, I get raw latex code when I run markdown cells with latex in them. When I open the same file in Lab, everything is rendered correctly. Any ideas as to what could be causing this? (I recently updated from Fedora 38 to 39, maybe that might have something to do with it?)
jupyter --version
Selected Jupyter core packages…
IPython : 8.18.1
ipykernel : 6.27.1
ipywidgets : 8.1.1
jupyter_client : 8.6.0
jupyter_core : 5.5.0
jupyter_server : 2.11.2
jupyterlab : 4.0.9
nbclient : 0.9.0
nbconvert : 7.12.0
nbformat : 5.9.2
notebook : 7.0.6
qtconsole : 5.5.1
traitlets : 5.14.0