Hi everyone! When I launch Jupyter notebooks on Jupiter lab, code cells sometimes don’t render.
For example, I tried to work with this notebook
When I open it on Github, all the cells display properly like this:

But in Jupyter lab, the cells under “Comparison Operator” section, for example, just won’t render:

Please advise if anyone has a solution here. Thanks!
What version of JupyterLab are you using? If it is 3.1.x, can you try 3.1.10? There was a bug fixed in there that caused some rendering issues.
Edit: this is the PR I was thinking of: Render placeholder at correct index by echarles · Pull Request #10898 · jupyterlab/jupyterlab · GitHub
Release notes for 3.1.10: Release v3.1.10 · jupyterlab/jupyterlab · GitHub
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Thanks @jasongrout! I tried JupyterLab 3.1.10 and it works.
@ davedgd FYI - I could see all the code cells now. Thank you!