Hello all you beautiful people. My name is Markus and I’m here because I want to get a better understanding of Jupyter, R and Python for Data Science. I’m not yet very proficient in this space, but willing to invest what it takes to get better. I hope to have good contacts and discussions here and I’m looking forward to interact with you all. Have a good time and stay safe.
Hi every one!
I am new here, given my first steps, but am old living,
I knew about the Pyton existence several years ago, but i had not put my hands on it.
Fortune puts edX in front of me and I said: Now or never!
I will need a lot of advise but, perhaps, I may give some
I will enjoy this trip
Hi, I’m Owen.
I’ve been working in ad tech since 2013, as an engineer, product manager, and startup founder.
I’m building a web application that uses spaced repetition and adaptive learning to help developers learn new languages. I’m intending to use JupyterLite on the front end, and Django Rest Framework on the backend.
If anyone is interested in learning more or helping out, please reach out to me, firstname.lastname@gmail.com or find over LinkedIn
Hi, I am Jonathan (guessing one of like hundreds). I am new to Python, Jupyter, and JupyterLite. The latter really interests me because my employer does not empower us to install software on our machines, and IT attempts to install Python (and Jupyter) on our machines fail cryptically (it’s a Windows shop with littler background in Open source or anything else). JupyterLite seemed like a really interesting possible workaround, so I’m trying it out on my own machine and seeing how far I can get.
Hi all,
I have just missed the good habit of presenting ourselves in a forum before posting questions. So, please forgive this mistake, I am sorry.
I am a newbie Jupyter User and a long seasoned programmer (JEE, Python, ecc…) and a certified AWS and Oracle JEE Architect.
I hope I could contribute to this forum.
Hi Jupyter folks! Long time JupyterLab user here. But fairly new JupyterHub administrator… the reason I’m here!
Hi everyone! I’m Bachar, data analyst enthusiast.
Hello. Long time Jupyter/python aficionado, first time poster here.
Hi everyone I’m Jamie, I’m a volcanologist working at Niigata University in Japan. I primarily use Jupyter for data analytics workflows, statistics, and modelling, but I’m also dabbling in its use for teaching.
Hello everyone! I’m Joshua, a computer science major at Case Western Reserve University. I’m using Jupyter Notebook as a research assistant and I’m here to learn more about it.
Hi, i m Augusta, a Data scientist in the making
Hi ,I am biginner in data science field ,wish to know more about coding and other necessery widgets
Hi, I am Marco. I am not a developer professionally and had to learn everything by myself. That means my knowledge is patchy and I might miss some obvious details that a professional programmer would know for sure. So, please, be patient with little me…
Hi Everyone,
I am classically trained mechanical engineer who is pivoting my career to the data science world. I am working on building ETL pipelines using Python as a replacement tool for Alteryx (as the licensing is very expensive and we can execute most needs within Python). Hoping to learn more about using Jupyter Scheduler from this community!
Hi, I am Pieter Vorstenbosch and a retired teacher in the Netherlands. Together with others I develop online courses computer science for students from 15-18 years old. Now busy to get the Jupyter plug-in going in our Moodle enviroment.
Hello, all. I’m Ray. Currently, a retired computer science professor with 30+ years in database. But, lately, I have been watching the developments in AI and have to jump back in. Tools are very important if anything is going to get done, so I want to learn as much as I can about the Jupyter ecosystem.
Hello! I’m Elliot, I’ve been a professional software engineer, computer scientist, engineering leader, teacher and giver for the last 27 years. I love working with friendly tech, design, creative, and business folks.
I’ve used notebooks for many years but never participated in this community.
Notebooks are a great place to learn and experiment.
Hello. I’m Larry Byars (AKA BoomerTN). I’ve been trying to understand computers since my first encounter with a PDP-8 back in 1967. Somehow they’ve gotten cheaper and certainly more powerful with much easier ways of programming them than using 1/0 switches to toggle programs into core memory using addr/data in 12 bits… I’ve worked for just a couple of companies in the Knoxville, TN area on using computers for acquisition, analysis, and display of data mostly from nuclear physics applications. Since 1984 I’ve been involved with Positron Emission Tomography (PET), first with a small startup company known as CTI, later bought out by Siemens and is now a part of the Siemens Healthineers organization. I’m currently involved in development of system design and software for a PET/MRI Brain imaging system working with a group at MGH in Boston with hopes of getting to play more golf in the coming years.
Hello, I’m Anon,
I primarily work as software Developer. Got pulled into Jupyterlab project, currently having lot of fun with this community.
Hey I’m Jarrell Dunson… live in Lexington, KY