Introduce yourself!

Hello Everyone!
I hope all of you are doing well!
I am Prerak, working as a Data Scientist. I love working with Jupyter Notebooks and making webapps!
Glad to be a part of this community!

You can connect with on LinkedIn


Iā€™m Per Hyldahl, live in Denmark and I am working as a structural engineer within offshore wind. I do not see myself as a programmer/software developer, but I have developed some python libraries which are small, useful software tools for my work as a structural engineer (calculations, making plots/figures, automation tasks, etc). I have been using jupyter notebooks for a lot of this work, and now found a potential use in including widgets and, potentially, voĆ­la to create small apps I can share with my colleagues.


Hello all!! I am Karthikayan Mailsamy, currently an undergraduate student. I am completely new to open source. I am happy that I found JupyterLab and made my first contribution on #10890 with #10923. Hope to contribute more to this wonderful community.


Hello Everyone.

Iā€™m Dharani Kanna K V from Salem, I have completed my UG in stream Electronics and communication engineering. Destination is to be a Data scientist. This is my first step of open-source contribution. I donā€™t have any idea about this contribution, Iā€™m very exited to learn from the other contributors.

A good friend is equal to 1000 books, In this form I have found library. :sweat_smile:

Thank You,



Hi. I am transitioning from Python to Julia and in the process also learning about JupyterLab.


Hi Folks,

Iā€™m a recently retired rocket scientist (yeah, I put that on my taxes) who for the fun of it has returned to grad school in physics and space sciences at Florida Tech. I ran across Jupyter a couple of years ago and have been self learning how to use it (and Julia) as an alternative to Matlab. Grad school makes the notebook to LaTeX feature more and more important.

Ad Astra,



As per the Jupyter Notebook / IPython docs, using notebooks in conjunction with virtual environments should be completely fine :)!

Hi :wave:, at the moment Iā€™m interested in using JupyterHub as an LTI producer (an external resource as part of online courses) to be consumed by OpenEdx.


Hello everyone!

Iā€™m new here. Iā€™ve been using the Jupyter Notebook environment for a few years to make some custom solutions to issues Iā€™ve encountered with data analysis during my PhD. Itā€™s been an incredibly helpful and easy to use tool whilst learning Python.

Itā€™s nice to meet everyone!


Hi! Iā€™m Leonella. Iā€™m working on this just for fun!


Hi everyone!

My name is Marek Pacek, I am an IT specialist in the local government. He has been using python and Jupyter notebook for data analysis for several years, and has been observing this wonderful community from the very beginning. Many times the advice I found on the forum was helpful. Now I have decided to join. :grinning:


Hello, my names is Andrew, Iā€™m from the USA, but my background is pretty Eastern European, and I seem to relate to them better then the people in my country for some reason.

Iā€™ve worked many years as a computer programmer and more recently as an IT guy for an restaurant and entertainment venue.

I first coded in Commodore 64 basic, then QBasic, then C++, then Perl and Java (spent quite a bit of time in Java), then Starbasic and VBA, SQL, Javascript on to node.js and lately Iā€™ve been working in Python3 and Pandas which is what led me to learn about Jupyter.

Lately, Iā€™ve been doing a good bit of Powershell as well, and from what I understand you can use that too in Jupyter with the right kernel installed; but Iā€™m more or less new to Windows and prefer Linux, so long as it isnā€™t mainstream and people run it on their desktops with lots of malware targeting it (you know like Windows?).

Jupyter though, not always necessarily linear, is certainly easier than debugging, Unit Testing, and configuring your logging framework.

Itā€™s also pretty cool that Markdown and LaTeX can be used within the system; as LaTeX used to be a real pain to use.


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myself nash devas how are you everyone?

Hello everybody,

My name is Daniele, it can be confusing but in Italian is a male name :slight_smile:

I was a physicist, then a quant, and now I work for a company that provides online courses. The platform uses the jupyter architecture, and this looks like a great place to exchange ideas!


Hi all,

Iā€™m Manuel, physicist by training, loving python and jupyter for years. Just recently I had a look at the jupyter lab source code and I hope I can contribute a few lines of code. Iā€™m pretty new to TypeScript, though, so be patient with me :slight_smile:


Hi everyone, I am Ibrahim. I am a software engineer and I just getting started with working on JupyterHub-related projects :blush:


Myriam borg Reviews, I have begun using Jupyter Notebook while I was doing a machine learning course and I found it very good as it helps in sharing live tasks and gives a great learning opportunity


Ace Zhu hereļ¼ŒIā€™m a novice to construct Cloud-Native Kubernetes Architecture for Jupyter-Hub , keep hot keep learning :slight_smile:


Brooke Kaio here from Australia