I create a Jupyter Notebook (aka jn) which is running on my computer but I want share with students. I’m having problems to build my repository. This is the first time that I prepared a jn and share it.
To run my jn the environment need some libraries installed by conda and others by pip. By inexperience, I create a requirement.txt, later, I realize that it must be an environment.yml. I deleted from GitHub requirement file and create environment.yml. When I try build my repository in mybinder it read the requirement file even after I deleted (I guess I deleted the file). Then, I create a new requirement file (GitHub) and I get the same error.
Url to my jupyter notebook in GitHub is GitHub - fontiela/receiverfunction_CMLA: Calculate receiver functions to the CMLA seismic station
Sorry my long message. I kindle ask if someone could help to fix my problems.