Hey there,
I want to use Grafana to monitor my JupyterHub.
As far as I can see, there is no official JupyterHub Grafana dashboard that contains only the metrics provided by JupyterHub directly.
I am aware of jupyter/grafana-dashboards, but they also contain Kubernates-related metrics.
Can somebody provide their Grafana dashboard?
Thanks in advance.
Greetings, Paul
Here is a basic dashboard that we use for our deployment
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I opened Try to isolate k8s and non-k8s dashboards where its reasonable · Issue #129 · jupyterhub/grafana-dashboards · GitHub. @Paul2708 I believe at least the activity dashboard doesn’t involve anything about kubernetes.
If you gain experience deploying that and it works OK, it would be great if you could share that in the issue i opened - it would be a motivation to try provide these dashboards for more than just k8s deployments of jupyterhub.
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