Deploying helm chart 0.11.1

I have been trying to get imagepullsecrets working with chart v0.9.1. It’s older, but has been working with public repos. We are moving to a repo that requires auth and trying to figure out the yaml to get it to work is problematic. I am now using chart v0.11.1. The values.yaml file has tags that state set-by-chartpress. What are the actual tags supposed to be? This is not intuitive.

You are using the Helm chart downloaded from GitHub, rather than the Helm chart as published in the Helm chart repo if you see set-by-chartpress.

GitHub - jupyterhub/chartpress: automate building and publishing images for helm charts is a tool we have developed to help us automate updating the values and building and pushing related docker images used by the Helm chart.

If you want to use 0.11.1, instead of downloading the git repo and referencing it, download the published Helm chart or directly reference it with helm according to the instructions in

If you have made direct changes to the helm chart, and or images, you can use chartpress --skip-build to set the values etc, or chartpress to build to both set values and build images if they are in need of being built etc.

I am using the published helm chart. I got the values file form github. We use the fluxcd helm operator to install helm releases. I had to use 0.11.1 since the version of helm in the operator does not support the dig function. I ended up pulling 0.11.1x images from docker and uploading them to my internal repo. It’s working. Now I just need to figure out the differences for AD ldap auth.

If you are using the published helm chart, you shouldn’t have set-by-chartpress unless you explicitly override those default values part of the published helm chart with the values from the GitHub repo.

To verify that the published Helm chart does indeed not contain set-by-chartpress as tags, I did.

$ helm show values --repo jupyterhub | grep -A2 "image:"

    name: jupyterhub/k8s-hub
    tag: "1.0.0"
      name: jupyterhub/configurable-http-proxy
      tag: 4.4.0
      name: traefik
      tag: v2.4.8 # ref:
      name: jupyterhub/k8s-secret-sync
      tag: "1.0.0"
      name: jupyterhub/k8s-network-tools
      tag: "1.0.0"
    name: jupyterhub/k8s-singleuser-sample
    tag: "1.0.0"
      # IMPORTANT: Bumping the minor version of this binary should go hand in
      #            hand with an inspection of the user-scheduelrs RBAC resources
      name: jupyterhub/k8s-image-awaiter
      tag: "1.0.0"
      tag: "3.2" #

Thanks. I am good to go now.

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