I’m attempting to build the ZTJH cluster, but with the LTIAuthenticator activated for auth via LTI1.3
However, it’s unclear how to pip install jupyterhub-ltiauthenticator
as part of the Helm set up. As of now, my hub is failing with
[C 2024-09-13 01:44:46.594 JupyterHub application:89] Bad config encountered during initialization: The 'authenticator_class' trait of <jupyterhub.app.JupyterHub object at 0x7f07f08220d0> instance must be a type, but 'ltiauthenticator.lti13.auth.LTI13Authenticator' could not be imported
…which I take to mean it’s not pip installed and therefore can’t be imported.
My current helm chart:
# This file can update the JupyterHub Helm chart's default configuration values.
# For reference see the configuration reference and default values, but make
# sure to refer to the Helm chart version of interest to you!
# Introduction to YAML: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdLNKUoMc6c
# Chart config reference: https://zero-to-jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/stable/resources/reference.html
# Chart default values: https://github.com/jupyterhub/zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s/blob/22c397dd80e865941386f0aa85799e094038657f/jupyterhub/values.yaml
# Available chart versions: https://hub.jupyter.org/helm-chart/
# Custom config for JupyterHub's helm chart
enabled: true
enabled: false
authenticator_class: ltiauthenticator.lti13.auth.LTI13Authenticator
log_level: DEBUG
# Use an LTI 1.3 claim to set the username. You can use and LTI 1.3 claim that
# identifies the user, such as email, last_name, etc.
username_key: "username"
# The issuer identifier of the platform
issuer: "https://(my LMS domain)/"
# The LTI 1.3 authorization url
authorize_url: "https://(my LMS domain)/lti/authorize_redirect"
# The platform's JWKS endpoint url providing public key sets used to verify the ID token
jwks_endpoint: "https://(my LMS domain)/lti/security/jwks"
# The external tool's client id as represented within the platform (LMS)
# Typically created by the platform when registering the tool.
# DMcQ: by conventions I'm setting this to 1 in the LMS for my experiment.
- "1"
- ports:
- port: 6443
- port: 443
# Setting a global start_timeout instead of 'per profile'
startTimeout: 3600