I’ve written a ipynb notebook for an interactive plot using ipywidgets and interact.
When I run it locally with voila
it works perfectly.
However, when I deploy using mybinder, the plot does not recover from errors (locally it does).
What’s the reason for this? I would expect mybinder to work just like a local run using voila CLI.
Here’s the repo: GitHub - corneliusroemer/covspectrum-jupyter: Make interactive plots from covSpectrum data
And here’s the deployment: https://hub.gke2.mybinder.org/user/corneliusroemer-pectrum-jupyter-lxmg09se/voila/render/plots.ipynb?token=eMci0pMMTaSmOmCy03HdkA
Try changing the country from Denmark to Germany and you’ll see what I mean. Locally, it’ll first throw an error, but once Germany is entered correctly, the plot will switch.
On binder, it never recovers. Even if I go back to Denmark, I just see red.