Not sure if/how many of them have js libraries etc that could be tapped into. A lot of them are fully blown editors. If they can tap into Jupyter kernels, then a question arises: where would a JuptyerLab wywiwyg extension fit? Could it compete? Should it? (I think it could be convenient, but it at the risk of making JupyterLab more cluttered? If JupyterLab views are customisable, then is a gallery of different JupyterLab views/setups available?)
Those are all super useful, thanks! My thinking is that piggy-backing on a service just for markdown cells in the notebook viewer would be useful in-and-of itself. I agree that for more generic coding tasks, building more connections with other tools like vscode would be a good path too
Up-voting for Markdown rendering in JupyterLab. While it is possible to view a rendered version (can’t remember right now if it updates as you type), the feature is way too hidden! I have a dream of launching a JLab binder that lands on a beautiful README page.
I also like the idea mentioned in this issue where the README is rendered underneath the Notebook files so it looks more like a GitHub repo.
Using a WYSIWYG editor for markdown in a notebook would be amazing. It would get us one step closer to having an editing experience that is “this is a normal document with a fancy editor that just happens to let me add code blocks” (which eventually will lead to Jupyter being integrated in Word! (my not so secret end goal ))
I am mainly an observer/consumer. Opinions expressed are based on my experience as a user. I have not made many substantive contributions to the jupyter project.
WYSIWYG markdown
I think that WYSIWYG is currently properly designed with jupyterlab’s ability to show a viewer next to an editor.
It is not just markdown
We should not assume what is being changed. We should manage the changes as expected,
I like the existing separation of concerns. To make it work, we need to show the view of the state of the editor. There have been issues with this. The viewer must show the state of the editor and the user needs to be able to recognize whether the change has been persisted.
The view of the existing state must be consistent with the deployable
A rich text editor for markdown cells (and perhaps whole documents outside the notebook UI) might be a great Jupyter Cal Poly intern project this summer. What do y’all think?