What would Python's governance structure look like in Jupyter?

In the community input thread we’ve asked members of the Jupyter community to post some of their thoughts and ideas about the Jupyter governance refactor.

To make it easier to discover and comment, I’m creating a thread for each of my posts and will link to this instead of just directly to my blog :slight_smile:

This thread covers a post about the Python community’s governance structure, very similar to the last one I posted about Rust. Python has a similar governing approach to what Jupyter already uses. To that extent, I tried porting over the latest Python PEP013 proposal to Jupyter governance. I hope folks find it interesting!


Nicely done @choldgraf. To add a bit of context, the Python Steering Council meets weekly with an agenda set in advance. In addition, the Executive Director of the PSF participates in our meetings to increase coordination with the PSF.

I would recommend that the Jupyter Steering Council in the thoughts you wrote to be a Council of 7 members (or even 9 members). A Council of 7 would allow better representation of different interests and greater inclusion in Jupyter’s governance.


There’s also this blog post I haven’t read yet, but seems useful in thinking about the responsibilities of a steering council, maybe others will find it interesting https://snarky.ca/what-its-like-to-be-on-the-python-steering-council/


This post has more detail on the mechanics of the Steering Council meetings: https://www.willingconsulting.com/post/2019-11-02-python-steering-retro/

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