There are two ARG
and NB_GID
in the DockerFile of docker-stacks-foundation
(in line 12) image. Can I change them so that the user jovyan
can have all the previleges that root user have?
If I need to the user jovyan
to be able to use the command chroot
, what should I do? I’ve tried fakechroot
, setcap
etc… and still cannot achive my goal. So the only way I thought should be to change the capacity of user jovyan
through the dockerfile. Anyone can help me?
Actually, I’m trying to give the user jovyan
the same privileges as the root user, but it seems more complicated.
You can add joyvan
user to sudoers
file to give root privilesges. Include something like echo "joyvan ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
in the image.