I am running 1.2.0 of helm chart and I want to understand the implication of uid=0 and gid=0. What does it mean? Will the user container have root permissions? What is the best default?
I am running 1.2.0 of helm chart and I want to understand the implication of uid=0 and gid=0. What does it mean? Will the user container have root permissions? What is the best default?
means the container will be started as root. In general it’s best to run unprivileged containers, see e.g. Bitnami Engineering: Why non-root containers are important for security , but it may be needed for some configurations. The Jupyter Docker-stacks image let you rename a user or change their UID from the default at runtime when started as root:
docker-stacks/start.sh at 6b49f33377096b720629f89b5848b415d69e891f · jupyter/docker-stacks · GitHub