User Main Menu Preferences newBrowserTab: false is ignored and still opens in a new browser tab

Using the suggestions made by @gutow in this thread, I am finding that when I set "newBrowserTab":"false" the URL continues to open in a new window for both relative and absolute URLs. What is the criteria for making a URL open in the current window?

    "menus": [
            "id": "jp-mainmenu-file",
            "items": [
                    "disabled": true,
                    "command": "hub:control-panel",
                    "command": "help:open",
                    "rank": 99,
                    "args": {"text": "Go to relative path",  "url":"/my/relative/path", "newBrowserTab":"false"}
                    "command": "help:open",
                    "rank": 100,
                    "args": {"text": "Gutow Homesite absolute path", "url":"", "newBrowserTab":"false"}

The related JupyterLab code

I think you need to use "newBrowserTab":false (without quotes) as the “false” string is truthy.


Ah, :man_facepalming:, thanks for that.

Updating it to "newBrowserTab":false makes a new tab open in the editor panel, and not as a replacement for the current page.

Would I need to override the help-extension to allow for, target) to use target="_self"?

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