Hi! I have a goal of sharing a voila page without providing access to my underlying code in the jupyter notebook. I decided to create a jupyterhub on aws and launch voila there. I’ve tried two different ways:
Running voila directly from the command line:
voila --port=8866 --no-browser --VoilaApp.ip= Untitled.ipynb -
Launching voila via a docker:
sudo docker run -p 8866:8866 -v $(pwd):/home/joyvan/work my-voila-image base -c “voila /home/joyvan/work/myvoila.ipynb --port=8866 --no-browser”
Both of these appear to work, in that I get output like this:
[Voila] Using /tmp to store connection files
[Voila] Storing connection files in /tmp/voila_zi67gfm5.
[Voila] Serving static files from /home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/voila/static.
[Voila] Voilà is running at:
But when I go to http://my-remote-ip:8866/
I get a “This site can’t be reached” error.
I have checked my ports (I’m using aws and set them in the security settings), and they are fine, and I’ve also been able to launch and access jupyterhubs at the same ports that I haven’t figured out how to use with voila.
My theory (based on reading other pages in the community forum) is that there is a specific path that I need to add to the web address to find my voila page. Is that true, and, if so, how do I find that path? My username is ubuntu.