The `File Browser` of `jupyter-lab` never remembers the files sorting priority

The jupyter-lab doesn’t remember the sorting method of File Browser → listed files . It sorts the files by name when I restart jupyter-lab by default .

Hi @larryw3i :wave: , thanks posting - I agree with you remembering the sorting method would be an improvement. If you would like to contribute a fix I can guide you through the steps needed to do so. The first step would be opening an issue on JupyterLab repository: Issues · jupyterlab/jupyterlab · GitHub (feel free to ping me) where I can list the relevant code changes that would need to happen :slight_smile:


Thank you! But I’m totally exhausted now, and I think the Line Number of jupyter-lab should can be continued through all cells. It’s amazing to imagine this.

And, the jupyter-lab without the Go to line command.

And, The position or position ratio of File Browser size bar also doesn’t been saved.