Show Keyboard Shortcuts doesn't show many shortcuts

“Show Keyboard Shortcuts” used to show a fairly complete list of useful shortcuts for both Edit and Command mode. Now it only seems to show keyboard shortcuts for the Lab UI. There is nothing about running cells, or changing a cell from code to markdown, or anything like that. This is true whether or not the notebook exists as a tab inside the Lab interface, opened in a separate browser tab from within the Lab interface, or was opened by first running jupyter notebook from a shell.

I’m using jupyter 1.1.1, jupyter 4.2.5. & notebook 7.7.2 I tried a fresh install of jupyter in a new conda environment and the behavior is the same.

The documentation mentions “Show Keyboard Shortcuts” in multiple places and represents that it should show all available keyboard shortcuts. That’s not the case because I can still use “r” “y” & “m” to change cell formats and they don’t show up when using “Show Keyboard Shortcuts.”

Am I missing something? or has discoverability really regressed that much since Notebook 7.0.6?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

I’m having the same issue, two months after your post. Did you find a solution?

Looks like only lab interface shortcuts are listed in the Help Menu. Luckily you can open the settings (Ctrl + ,) and get an overview under Keyboard Shortcuts. Also being able to filter there makes it very convenient.

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Thanks for the suggestion.

Related issue in JupyterLab: See keyboard shortcuts for all commands in one place · Issue #16416 · jupyterlab/jupyterlab · GitHub

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