Sharing information when I get 8GB of memory

There were cases where I could get 8GB of memory in the Binder instance.
I’ll share my Binder configuration files and a screenshot of when I was able to get 8GB of memory.

It seems that this is related to

That is correct. When you get lucky and assigns you to the GESIS cluster you receive more RAM than we promise. You should not rely on this though as one of the things the federation aims to do is provide uninterrupted service even if a single cluster is temporarily not available or out of resources.

If you absolutely need 8GB then you can setup your repository to launch on all the time. The advantage of this is that you can access more RAM, the downside is that there is only one (very reliable) cluster available to launch the repository.


Thank you for all the details.
I found very helpful for our project .
But I have a concern about GESIS. It’s that we are not “social scientists”.

I’ll ask GESIS about this.

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Hi @kozo2

But I have a concern about GESIS. It’s that we are not “social scientists”.

As long as your repository can also help (one day) to make the life of social scientists easier I think you are fine :wink:

However, like @betatim I would recommend that you use the public binder service at via if possible. We are still in the process of finding the right limitations for this binder endpoint.

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