Restoring look and feel of Jupyter notebook?

Question - just install Anaconda again - and but lost the look and feel of the notebook… . How can I restore the look and feel? Must I go back to a previous version of Jupyter? this is version 7.0.8

You can install and use NbClassic to maintain the look of the older interface. See more about it here. The links there also talk about how that will be maintained going forward for now.

Hey thanks - In this link, Simultaneous usage of different versions of Notebook 7 and the Classic Notebook UI — Jupyter Notebook 7.1.2 documentation, it states: “Notebook 7 provides a dropdown menu to switch between the different user interfaces available on the same server. It is available in the Notebook toolbar”

In the newest version of Jupyter, there isn’t this option… how do I view the Notebook toolbar?

There is a demo right below where it says ‘launch binder’.
If I launch that and start up a new notebook, I see under ‘View’, ‘Open in JupyterLab’ and ‘Open in NbClassic’.
When I then choose the JupyterLab option there, when JupyterLab opens then I can see ‘Open in Jupyter Notebook’ and ‘Open in NbClassic’.

Once you know the pattern for the end of the URL, advanced users can switch without that menu and use editing the URL.