Has jupyter notebook UI has been changed?

I have recently formatted my system and Upon reinstalling Anaconda, UI of jupyter notebook seemed changed. I like the previous one.

I recently formatted my system. After reinstalling Anaconda, the Jupyter Notebook user interface appeared different. I prefer the previous UI.

Any Comments?

Thanks in Advance

You may install nbclassic to restore the jQuery-based UI. Continued use of notebook 6.x is not really recommended, as it is effectively unmaintained.


For reference: Announcing Jupyter Notebook 7. Jupyter Notebook 7 is the most… | by Project Jupyter | Jupyter Blog
Also, if there are any regressions in v7 please report them on GitHub - jupyter/notebook: Jupyter Interactive Notebook (after checking that it has not been reported previously).

@bollwyvl @krassowski

Currently it looks like below image.

Yes, this is Notebook v7.

Ok. I get it. This is the new version. If i need to work with previous version, i have to install “nbclassic”.

Thank you both for assistance.

Y is it so bad tho? It dosent even auto complete codes and UI is so bad. Y the degrade?

@Joel_Joseph if you have specific constructive feedback, please feel welcome post it in a new thread. If you experience problems with the new version please open an issue on GitHub - jupyter/notebook: Jupyter Interactive Notebook.

Ps. auto-completion is avialable you need to turn it on in settings. Though I would suggest trying jupyterlab-lsp if you feel like setting a few more things up to get a better experience.

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