Pass a parameter to jupyterlab

Sorry, searching with my recommended improved topic title for you post (see end of this), brought me to here that looks to suggest this direction:

I use jupyterhub with kubespawner in collaborative mode by adding
a file with c.LabApp.collaborative = True .

And back in July supposedly it wasn’t possible, see here, but the proposed path looks similar to that. So I’m not sure it is 100% ready?

Also seen and related:
{"LabApp": {"collaborative": true}} in jupyter_server_config.json a possbility, see here?

A BinderHub is a specialized JupyterHub and so I think the way should be related.

Also you may want to edit your topic to be more specific, such as ‘Trigger JupyterLab collaborative mode on JupyterHub’ as your issue is more specialized than the title reflects.

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