Okta integration with Jupyterhub using SAML authenticator

I’m trying to set up SSO using SAML authenticator using Okta. We have been following the below documentation to make necessary changes in jupyterhub_config.py file .

While doing the configuration we are asked provide following information from our Okta team. We have the #1 below but we could not find “SP entity Id/Audience Restriction URI”

  1. SSO URL/Assertion Consumer Service URL
  2. SP entity Id/Audience Restriction URI

How & where to get this information please advise.

The SP entity Id/Audience Restriction URI is a unique identifier for your JupyterHub instance. It is used by Okta to verify that the SAML assertion is being sent to the correct destination.

To find the SP entity Id/Audience Restriction URI for your JupyterHub instance, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Applications page in the Okta administration console.
  2. Click the name of your JupyterHub application.
  3. Under the Sign On tab, click the View Details button next to the SAML 2.0 option.
  4. The SP entity Id/Audience Restriction URI is listed in the Audience field.

Once you have the SP entity Id/Audience Restriction URI, you can add it to your jupyterhub_config.py file. To do this, add the following lines to the file:

`Pythonc.JupyterHub.authenticator_class = 'jupyterhub_samlauthenticator.SAMLAuthenticator'
c.SAMLAuthenticator.idp_entity_id = 'YOUR_OKTA_IDP_ENTITY_ID'
c.SAMLAuthenticator.idp_sso_url = 'YOUR_OKTA_IDP_SSO_URL'
c.SAMLAuthenticator.sp_entity_id = 'YOUR_JUPYTERHUB_SP_ENTITY_ID'`

Replace YOUR_OKTA_IDP_ENTITY_ID with the entity ID for your Okta IdP and YOUR_JUPYTERHUB_SP_ENTITY_ID with the SP entity Id/Audience Restriction URI for your JupyterHub instance.

Once you have added these lines to your jupyterhub_config.py file, you can restart JupyterHub and users will be able to log in using SAML authentication.

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