Thanks so much in advance for any insight!
Running Windows 11 Home with default settings for Windows Defender Firewall.
Using Anaconda Prompt and after loading various packages that have to do with Algorithmic Trading with Python (cohort). This course uses Jupyter Notebook.
I had Python 3.12 and Jupyter on my system prior to enrolling in the above jumpstart course (cohort).
With installing the virtual environment via the cohort instructions the recommended python is 3.10 and Jupyter is 7.2.2
I can create a new jupyter notebook from:
(base) C:\Users\genes>jupyter notebook
which does allow me to create a new jupyter notebook
but asks me for a kernel
However when I invoke from:
(my_quant_lab) C:\Users\genes>jupyter notebook
I can run Jupyter from the (my_quant_lab) environment and it connects to:
I can create a new textfile
However when File>New>Notebook, I get and error:
Both Chrome and Jupyter.exe is in my list of approved apps.
What would be my next steps to troubleshoot?