JupyterLab MyST Markdown Plugin - v2 release

The ExecutableBooks team recently released a new version of a MyST Markdown extension for JupyterLab (v4!). Blog post:

Lots of features for scientific and technical writing:

  • callouts and admonitions (works the same as JupyterBook!)
  • proofs, exercises, glossaries
  • figure, equation, and section numbering (with previews!)
  • hover previews for cross-references, github links, and wikipedia
  • inline execution for variables and widgets
  • editable task lists
  • rich frontmatter (title, authors, affiliations, licenses, github links!)

Works in the notebook and on markdown files.


cc @agoose77 @choldgraf


Really takes documentation possibilities to the next level.

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It is really super-cool to be able to have the notebook experience in line with the jupyter-book output !

thanks to all the folks who made that possible :slight_smile:


:rocket: Thanks! Super excited about all the progress the ExecutableBooks team is making on this. :slight_smile: