JupyterLab 4.1.4 Interactive Issues

There are several user interface issues that are not working properly in JupyterLab 4.1.4 - 3 specific ones…

#1 - When entering code in a cell, if I try to delete to beginning-of-line with traditional keyboard shortcut CTRL/U instead I get a new “view-source” tab in the browser - very annoying!

#2 - When I try to split an existing tab either horizontally or vertically it just moves the tab and does not split it

#3 - IPywidget widgets loose focus on up/down keys - instead the notebook selects the next up or next down cell…(this works properly when notebook is rendered in Voila).

I have tried Firefox and Chrome browsers with same the symptoms/issues. My OS is XUbuntu 22.04.4 - I’ve also tried browsers on Windows 10 with same issues.

I’d certainly appreciate any help in resolving any of these issues.

Larry Byars (BoomerTN)

Hi @boomertn two quick questions:

For #1 more information on in which version it worked would be crucial. The view-source is not something JupyterLab introduced but a native behaviour of browsers. FYI JupyterLab Desktop does not open such a tab on Ctrl + U. Also, you say this is “traditional keyboard shortcut” - please list applications that you are aware to be using it in the issue as it makes a stronger case for considering such an addition.

For #2 is it when you have only one tab or multiple tabs? Can you include a recording in the issue?

For #3 this is probably a new issue related to changes in keyboard navigaiton in JupyterLab 4.1. It is certianly something that could be fixed either on JupyterLab or ipywidgets side, but more details are needed (ideally a code with specific widget to copy-paste and some screen recording).