There are several user interface issues that are not working properly in JupyterLab 4.1.4 - 3 specific ones…
#1 - When entering code in a cell, if I try to delete to beginning-of-line with traditional keyboard shortcut CTRL/U instead I get a new “view-source” tab in the browser - very annoying!
#2 - When I try to split an existing tab either horizontally or vertically it just moves the tab and does not split it
#3 - IPywidget widgets loose focus on up/down keys - instead the notebook selects the next up or next down cell…(this works properly when notebook is rendered in Voila).
I have tried Firefox and Chrome browsers with same the symptoms/issues. My OS is XUbuntu 22.04.4 - I’ve also tried browsers on Windows 10 with same issues.
I’d certainly appreciate any help in resolving any of these issues.
Larry Byars (BoomerTN)