Annoying white background on tabs

I have a weird issue with my JupyterLab hosted on JupyterHub instance. For user A it shows a white background on tabs, even with dark mode on. If I switch to another user, it will show the default gray one.
I’ve tried changing settings and doing lots of stuff, with no success so far. Does anyone know how to fix this annoying white background?

Do users A and B have the same set of installed extensions? It might be that an extension is providing a broken CSS style. Otherwise you could debug this with browser html inspector by selecting the element and looking at what the styles applied to the background are.


Good catch!

I uninstalled the extension jupysql-plugin and it fixed the issue.

Thank you so much :slight_smile:


Good find! It looks like there already is an issue in: This plugin breaks Jupyter Lab styles · Issue #109 · ploomber/jupysql-plugin · GitHub

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jupysql-plugin maintainer here: sorry for the trouble; we’ve fixed this in 0.4.5; please upgrade!

pip install jupysql-plugin --upgrade