JupyterHub Voila 500 error

I had JupyterHub and Voila working together. I could browse to https:URL/user/USERNAME/voila and it would load the voila tree, then browse to a notebook and launch the notebook.

Now I can still see the file browser and I can run the notebook from an independent voila server, on a different port. I’m sure what happened, as I have made some changes to the server enabling/disabling things like Rsession proxy and Git extensions.

How does one go about trouble shooting a 500 error with Jupiterhub. I have looked in the journalctl log, and it is just a single line 500 error.

My server extension list looks like this:

jupyter serverextension list
config dir: /opt/jupyterhub/etc/jupyter
jupyterlab enabled
- Validating…
jupyterlab 2.2.8 OK
nbdime enabled
- Validating…
nbdime 2.0.0 OK
voila.server_extension enabled
- Validating…
voila.server_extension OK
voila enabled
- Validating…
voila 0.2.3 OK

Also for extra points, why doesn’t --system-prefix recognize the locations that is used by jupyterhub to create the multi-user server and create/modify config files in /user/root/ or other locations?

I think this might help, there is an error in the javascript from the server.

How does one go about trouble shooting a 500 error with Jupiterhub. I have looked in the journalctl log, and it is just a single line 500 error.

Yes this is for JupyterHub.

But are you able to access the user server logs (the one running voila), which might contain more information?

Thanks for bumping the thread. journalctl logs all system errors, I believe, so I can tail and grep through it to find the error specific to voila.

I was able to kind of figure out what was happening. Voila was looking for nbconvert templates in /usr/local/share and /usr/share, these directories were read only by root.

I guess some package had changed the permissions?

About those paths.