Hi all, I am following the guide “Zero to JupyterHub with Kubernetes”. Now, I would like to integrate by adding the pgcontents package to maintain the session (and checkpoints) for users.
According to their documentation given here: pgcontents/README.rst at 51f8febcf6ece4e88b047768b9ce18553162d63c · quantopian/pgcontents · GitHub
The steps to take are:
- Install pgcontents from PyPI via pip install pgcontents.
- Run pgcontents init to configure the database. You will be prompted for the database URL that pgcontents should use for storage. (Alternatively, you can set the environment variable PGCONTENTS_DB_URL or pass --db-url to the command line).
- Configure Jupyter to use pgcontents as the storage backend. This can be done from the command line or by editing the notebook configuration file. On a Unix-like system, the notebook configuration is located in ~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py. For example configuration files, see the examples folder.
So, how can I go about implementing them? The package to be added is to be integrated into the hub right?
Do you have any configuration examples so I can be directed?
Thank you,
UPDATE: I was able to integrate pgcontent into the hub but it doesn’t work. Nothing is written on Postgres, does it have to be entered in the notebook user sigs as well? what is the procedure/changes to implement?