Jupyter Real Time Collaboration Workshop!

Jupyter Real Time Collaboration Workshop!


:speech_balloon: :speech_balloon: What: Meeting to discuss with other communities and stakeholders ongoing work on Real Time Collaboration in Jupyter.

:spiral_calendar: :timer_clock: When: RTC Workhsop will take place on Monday April 19th and start at 12:00 EST (30 minutes before the usual RTC public meetings) and will last for 2 hours.

:man_technologist: :woman_technologist: Capacity: 25 participants. If you are interested in joining please contact the facilitators. More information below.

:earth_americas: :ear_of_rice: Where: Zoom!

Longer, did read!

As part of the ongoing effort to bring Real Time Collaboration (RTC) to JupyterLab and lay the base infrastructure for other projects and communities within the Jupyter ecosystem we will be hosting a series of workshops to discuss different topics that affect the direction of this work. This is going to be the first of more to come!

Topics for this first iteration include:

  • Jupyter Frontend (UI interactions): Collaboration, Commenting and Sharing
  • Authentication (aka Identity) and Authorization (aka Permissions)
  • Outputs sharing: CRDT and/or Kernel message?
  • Notebook Storage

You can find more information on the public agenda

We took the liberty of inviting to a Google Calendar some of thew members of the different communities already.

Tony Fast and I will be acting as facilitators, so if you have questions please let us know.

Also feel free to add questions and comments on the Google Documents shared on the public agenda for the different topics to be discussed



That was a fun meeting, thanks for organizing it!

As part of my efforts to give confidence in Yjs as a framework for shared editing, I’ll be offering AMA sessions where you can ask me about anything related to collaborative editing or any of my projects (e.g. Jupyter RTC).

When : Every Thursday 6pm CET. Time converter
Where: Zoom