First of all thank you for making this repository publicly available.
In one of my Github repositories I’ve setup both a docker image and a binder instance using dockerfiles. I have a Github Action .yml file that first creates and pushes the docker image to the docker hub and in the last step it creates a docker image named as “icesat2rbinder” (and not as “icesat2r” which is the name of the Github repo) because the docker image initially didn’t work (probably due to naming overlapping between the docker and the binder image).
In the root of the directory I use 3 dockerfiles and the one named as “Dockerfile” is for the binder instance.
After this setup, I would expect that using the following url in the “binder badge”
binder would pick the “icesat2rbinder” from my dockerhub account and initialize the binder Rstudio instance, however this is not the case as I receive errors. In the last 2 days I tried also to use different urls such as
but I don’t think it is correct.
I took a look also to the “binderhub documentation” and “binder examples” but none of these cover my specific case.
Is my set-up correct and will the binder-url as described previously work?
(a similar issue was created in the repo2docker-action Github repository but I didn’t receive a response yet)