Visual Studio Code/Codium is the base for the major git repository based web IDEs of GitHub and GitLab. Currently, executing code in such IDEs either requires compute servers or is not possible at all while JupyterLite provides a way to execute various code in the browser and is also on its way to in the future even provide a terminal. Currently, in JupyterLite it is not simple to open an existing Git project and commit changes and results from running code back to the repository, which the web IDEs do nicely. If both could be combined, this sounds like an obvious perfect fit.
The issue I see is that JupyterLite would need to access the web IDE file storage locations, JupyterLite therefore can’t be sandboxed perfectly at the one hand, but JupyterLite can be brought to run custom JavaScript in cells and therefore JupyterLite somehow needs some sandboxing to prevent XSS attacks. Is this still feasible and are there other reasons against this?