Introduce yourself!

Hi! I’m Patrick. I am an instructor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of British Columbia. I teaching mathematical computing with Python and Jupyter. There are many Jupyter users at UBC thanks to PIMS and Syzygy. I am looking to organize Jupyter community events at UBC.


hello - Brian in Berkeley here… I am editor and committer to a Linux setup for maps, mapping and spatial data called OSGeoLive . We use the Ubuntu LTS packaging for Jupyter, and Notebooks for demonstration of core technology. We are a great demonstration install of the R module sf, as well as all things python and geospatial.


Hi y’all, my name is Zane, and I use JupyterLab to wrangle data related to the US electricity system for NGOs, journalists, researchers, and other folks working in the public interest on climate change and energy issues. I’m part of Catalyst Cooperative and we’re doing this work as part of our Public Utility Data Liberation project.

We’re making example analyses using Jupyter for users to play with, and we want to set up the data alongside some compute resources with access via remote Jupyter notebooks using BinderHub/JupyterHub/Pangeo style infrastructure later this year or early next year.

I’m wandering around Latin America by bike and working remotely. Currently in Antigua Guatemala.


Hi, I’m Sara, I’m a total newbie working on training material for entry level participants (no previous computing or coding experience). I am on a steep learning curve as I count as one of those with no previous experience. Some call me a tech ‘translator’ or ‘communicator’, the idea being that a beginner can teach beginners in a different way to those embedded in the technology. It’s an experiment!


2 posts were split to a new topic: Teaching Jupyter to people without computing experience

Hi everyone, I am Flavien. I am currently a data analyst at Piktochart (Malaysia) while a former physics researcher in France. I have personally been using notebooks for several years. Notebooks (in Python) are now the core element for reporting in my company through automatic generation of interactive HTML reports. I have switched recently from Jupyter to Jupyter Lab and I am very happy about it.


Hi, I’m Kunal. I’m a Jupyter fan. I write software professionally but I’m applying to physics Ph.D programs. I often teach with Software Carpentry, sometimes in notebooks. See you online!


Hi, I 'm Kerwin in Shanghai China. I am a normal python developer.
I worked at an AI education company to develop special edition jupyter notebook and jupyterhub for teaching before.
Now, I am still interesting in notebook, jupyterhub and nbconvert.
I want to make my contribution to jupyter.



My name is Paul Nakroshis, and I have been a physics professor at the University of Southern Maine in Portland, Maine. I teach throughout our curriculum, and have been using Jupyter Notebooks for teaching computational physics ever since they became available. I am about to have to learn how to manage an Ubuntu Server and install JupyterHub by January 2020.


Heya - I’m new to Jupyter, vaguely familiar with python, and I write a lot of code in modern Fortran for applications in large-scale simulations and data analysis and modeling in theoretical physics (nuclear & particle, astrophysics & cosmology). Agh! Did he say “Fortran.” Yep! – it’s not your grandaddy’s language anymore. (Classes, polymorphism, dynamic allocation, etc.) Great to be here.


Hi Sebastian,
I agree with your desire that all publications should include a reproducible notebook.
I am implementing this standard for my physics majors in their junior laboratory course.
Students keep all their data and jupyter notebooks on Open Science Framework, and all
analysis and reports are turned in as a Jupyter Notebook.
Univ. of Southern Maine


Hello there -
My name is Joe. I’m and electrical engineer who mostly does Python and frontend development now, alongside a Data Science team in a big company.

Python and Jupyter are, of course, very popular here, but since we’re in an enterprise, we have a lot of issues with setting up servers, permissions on various machines, etc.

We’re just now getting into JupyterHub to try to help our department work on DS projects with minimal setup, and I will probably have a lot of questions here about getting that set up!


I’m Kati Lassila-Perini, an experimental particle physicist from Helsinki Institute of Physics. I’m based at CERN and I coordinate data preservation and open access of the CMS experiment. I also bring open data and basic data skills to high-school teachers and students in my country with jupyter notebooks through mybinder, and it is so fun and easy with these tools that I just can’t get over it. Thanks folks!


Hi, my name is Eric Durham. I am a structural analyst and designer with focus on temporary structures and the occasional art project. I use JupyterLab for calculations, documentation and development of simple Python scripts. I found Jupyter out of my frustration with other, proprietary products for structural analysis. I love collaborating with others and I am grateful to the community for developing such a useful and universal tool. Cheers!


Hello! My name is Colleen and I work for Research Computing at Portland State University. I am very new to JupyterHub and I’m excited to learn more. I think it could be an incredibly valuable resource to researchers at PSU.


Hi! I’m Matt Henderson, and I have been working on Jupyter related projects at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab as a Computer Systems Engineer. I’ve been working recently with Shreyas Cholia and others on adapting parts of the Jupyter ecosystem for HPC users.


Hello, I’m Alberto, I work at the European Bioinformatic Institute. I give IT support to the internal and external users, and I take care of introducing new technology. I’m currently working on an installation of binderhub,


Hello. I’m Marek. I’m from Czech Republic. I teach on secondary school.
I’m interesting in Linux, Python, electrotechnics.