Introduce yourself!

Hello. My name is Alvaro, from Mexico and I’m new with Python, Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook, etc. There are new projects in my company that requires new methods to solve needs.


Hi, my name is Andrus. I am a programmer and a big fan of Jupyter. Unlike most people, I write notebook code in Java :slight_smile: Originally, on iJava kernel, and as of late - on JJava (GitHub - dflib/jjava: A Jupyter kernel for Java notebooks), which is a fork and a natural descendant of iJava that myself and my colleagues decided to support.


Hello everyone!
I’m learning Python to be an AI developer, so I hope to answer more questions in the future, but now I’m mainly here to ask them!


I am Jack from the United States. I am still learning development and passionate about Python but before getting started I decided to learn HTML, CSS, and Java. What do you say? Should I start learning Python or first I learn languages?
Also, I will need a person who will teach me all about coding and can offer internship.

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Hey there! I just learned Jupyter notebooks in an SAP-Workshop and found it fascinating. I am an employed SAP-Programmer near Hamburg, Germany. I would like to find out if it’s possible to bring ABAP, the SAP programming language, to Jupyter. But I fear that it will be too complicated for me with my limited knowledge…


LIfelong Learner here, in another life around Y2K, I was a software developer. Left that field to pursue “no money down” real estate and flipped about a dozen properties. Got caught over-leveraged and un-inspired in ‘08, having lost a bunch of properties from that event - that lead me to learn about liquidity.

I’ve been trading for a decade, did well, got into BTC & crypto, got rekted with NFTs - all discretionary. Avid student of the markets and have studied many different methodologies, learning about Options and Volatility rn, pretty dense stuff.

Looking to automate my backtesting and eventually bring a home-brew systematic trading model into production. Lately been coding in pinescript but have come across a stumbling block with no clear way forward. I’ve been intimidated in picking up yet another language but with what I want to accomplish it doesn’t seem like pinescript is the way. This has led me to python and jupyter notebooks.

Naturally curious, with a deep desire of sensemaking, loving the emergence of Ai/Gen rn and much of that training material is in jupyter notebooks as well.

So I’m taking the plunge!

Currently working through getting my environment working:

looking to #buildinpublic but just a reposter rn

Hello Everyone, I am Arpit Gaur, a first-year student studying Python and related technologies such as AI/ML and Django. I enjoy learning from resources like Real Python, Python Morsels, and Corey’s YouTube channel. Additionally, I am transitioning from Windows to WSL for development purposes. I have joined this community to understand the inner workings of JupyterLab.


Hey! I’m a first year Computer Science teacher (UK High School) looking at how I can use Jupyter to help teach programming.


Hi, I’m Bryan and I’m learning about Python and Data Science in a course at IBM, I’m so exited by continiuo learning more about it.

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I am FocalPoint, working mostly in el-wiktionary and el-wikipedia. I am here because I have a problem with PAWS.

Hi all! Name's Jon. Novice software developer but excited to learn and will try my best to be helpful as I learn!

I also wanted to share a small piece of feedback regarding the forum layout that I hope is helpful! When I was introducing myself, I noticed it took quite a bit of scrolling to reach the latest comment. Perhaps a “jump to latest” button would enhance the user experience. Would be happy to help if I can and will enthusiastically review the “help-wanted” category in more depth to see where I can contribute!


Hi everyone. My name is John Ogall and I am interested in learning about Jupiter notebook as an aspiring project manager of clinical research trials.


Hi, I’m evenshoshan, 71 years old, retired after > 35 years in Finance, therefore bored to death ! Recently, my daughter who owns a pharmacy said to me “Daddy, stop dwelling on the past, I need you to develop some AI programs for my work, so get of your a-- and roll up your sleeves”. What a blessing ! So here I am, a beginner learning how to code in Python with the perspective of applying it to Data Analysis and Machine Learning.


Hi. I am called Ashu. I am very interested in learning Python. I hope this forum will be of help to me. Thanks

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Hi there! My name is Shazzi. I’m hoping to career change into Data Analysis and am currently completing a bootcamp to help bridge my skills gap. Just learning about Python and using Jupyter at the moment and thought I’d join this forum :grinning:


Hi, I am Florence,I work as Operation Coordinator at One Acre Fund, I am happy to learn Data Science from this platform


Hi everyone!

I’m Umang Goel, a CS undergraduate at Bits Pilani. I’m excited to collaborate, learn from everyone here, and contribute positively to the organisation. Looking forward to connecting with all of you!
Feel free to reach out I’m always up for a chat about tech, ideas, or just sharing knowledge.


Hi , My Name is Pete, a brief resume. I am retired , Now 83. Live in Swindon U.K . I recently found that I have only found out last October That I’v had dyslexia all my life. Worked in Tailoring and menswear all my life Ended up working for myself in my own menswear business for the last 38 years . Always been interested cine photography, video these days .As my son and grandson are in your industry , so I am challenging myself , to keep me young. If you can point me into the right direction for exercisis. I read about your brilliant Notebook , All bout RELAY . and all about your packages , and it seems quite exiting . Could you please point me to where I can find exercises to practice
Regards Pete,

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